Sunday, July 17, 2011

Desmond & The Tutus @ the Assembly

I have seen these guys so many times and they always rock my boat. Last night was the first night I actually had the pleasure of viewing them all on my ace. Trying to find a gay guy that knows the band in this city is like trying to find an untweezed eye in a drag show.  So I was left to go alone because well lets face it, i dont really know enough people to pull the "last-minute-plan" with.  I guess in a relationship it works well because if you allow yourself to go with the flow I will often surprise you with something new to do and at the last minute... and that spontaneity is rather fun.  Why plan?


They rocked my boat as usual and the student crowd were surprisingly very friendly last night, unfortunately I was in full self-involvement gear so i did not really catch anyones name i was actually drinking with. Thats the thing about the youth today, the girls buy drinks for a man with an over zealous sense of confidence and optimism.  Here is to the whole feminist movement hey!

So remember the name guys, its not a difficult one: Desmond and The Tutus

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