Friday, June 11, 2010

Ghosts of Lovers Past. "M"

So, my head is as big as it will get and I have a mighty bush. My gay dick has come to the end of all it will develop while in gay puberty.

"M" is for Milk... its good for the bones! It makes them strong feeding them with the rich calcium. I needed to be a little stronger now. Being emotionally slutty is by far the worst thing I can do to myself. Dont give your heart away too quickly...I would recommend giving your ass up first, and then again, and then again and then maybe, just maybe one can consider if their heart is up for offer. My final story is just that, I gave up my identity I thought I was creating for myself in hopes that I could have a life with someone that was just way too good to be true however he was one of those guys that wanted to carry me on his shoulders but never really ducked when we would walk under a bridge, boom!!!

Its really my own fault because I'm not a guy that wants to be carried. I like my independence, I like doing what I want, I like not answering to anyone.

You know, last night I was talking to a friend about relationships and at one point she said to me... "Juanne, you meet these guys and you give them your all, you show them that you are a wonderful person and then...ummmm.....I dont know what happened to you in the past...but... then you change and you stop trusting them... what happened that you cant trust people...?" Its something that stuck with me the entire night. Is this true? Do I have trust issues? I like to take my life and write it in a way that will be comical in its delivery but for the first time its not funny anymore...


SteveA said...

The second paragraph sums me up as well...I don't really like explaining myself to anyone - I am free and my own person.

Also - in a relationship I just jump in heart first and when this happens you always get hurt - it's my nature - it's just who I am - and I would continue to be that way - not by design - but by default,,,,

. said...

wow..I think we are kind of similar..I think you might like my blog.

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