Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Solid Groove & Sinden - Din Da Da
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Surviving Cape Town.
"In the C-Point" by Juanne-Pierre de Abreu
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Animal Sex...? Is there an easy way to address the topic.
So, if you have been following you would have seen that I have been pertaining certain characteristics of a certain animal to characteristics you might find in a lover or yourself. To my surprise I had an influx of emails about screwing animals, where on can do this in South Africa and more specifically in Johannesburg. How huge is bestiality in life today? And in South Africa?
"SPCA spokesperson Christine Kuch said: "As much as it is by nature a hidden crime, many incidents are slowly coming to the forefront. Now, more than ever, animals are being violated because a misconception exists that having sex with an animal minimises the risks of contracting HIV. She mentioned that recently a three-month-old puppy had been "raped" and left at their offices in Sandton. Police are investigating but no one has been arrested." - this is a little bit of information that I pulled off the net that really disgusted me.
Am I to believe that this is an acceptable practice, whether it be based on a misconceived notion of safer sex or whether it's just another kink to some people, is this honestly something that is on the up and up? Since when did we stop fucking each other and start fucking animals? And what is it about an animal that would turn someone on?
I personally have been scared when it comes to animals... I was molested by a very large dog when I was a little boy. How you might be wondering yet I am sure there are more readers who might have lived a similar ordeal. I was playing in a friends garden when their large, Male lab started to get involved. Eventually he jumped on top of me, pushing me to the ground and began going at it. Of course I was too young to know what was going on but upon growing up I have since learnt that that Goddamn dog pounced on me and started fucking me till it came on my clothes. Gross. Naturally I am not a big fan of animals on heat and always take precautions when meeting a new 'mans best friend'.
I got this little bit of info from Wiki:

So, in my opinion I suggest that the day that animal turns around and says: "Please fuck my brains out" I think it best we just find another way of getting our rocks off... maybe try fucking a Bear??? As you can see from the most X-rated pic you will ever see on my blog, below. Does that not seem a lot better than sticking it into a horse?
Monday, May 23, 2011
I Just Miss Him
I still remember sitting next to his bed last year this time telling him that I could not stand to look at him in the sate that he was in. Now, looking back, I feel like a total dick for saying that to him but honestly, at the time I thought that he would get better. I believed he would pull out of it. Unfortunately he did not and now there is no more time to sit next to the bed, talking about crap or just sitting in silence. Now there is no more silly emails from my pops or a surprise deposit into my account to remind me he is thinking of me. I miss the man so damn much.
So to every person who has ever lost someone to the cold kiss of death my sympathy goes out to you and with that same hand stretched out I tell you that you are not alone, so many of us in this world have lost someone so dear to us and we carry on, masking up the pain and the hurt, believing that time heals all wounds. It really doesn't, time just keeps life rolling along and ones life just goes along with it but the hurt of longing to speak to someone you can never speak to again is everlasting. So I just miss the man so terribly much.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Due Date

What I guess I dug about it was the fact that I could identify with both of the characters. On one side there is a guy who can't really deal with the fact that his father has passed away and he keeps having little melt downs on the road to letting go. And then on the other side there is this guy who is at the beginning of a new life and he is afraid of the changes, he has anger problems and has furious little meltdowns. Now by that definition alone I just outed myself as someone who has emotional and angry meltdowns through my week... hahaha.

Nonetheless I could identify, which always makes a movie enjoyable to watch - when you want to see how it turns out for the characters and therefore how it might turn out for you - at least this way a viewer will view to the end.
It is funny as shit, really got me laughing out loud... and the fucking man sports a perm for crying out loud! And in the end it is a love story, between two men albeit there no sex but who really wants to see those two going at it? Gross.
When is it too much?

I guess I sort of have a pattern (of hair) I like... hairy chest, down the stomach to the pubes without anything on the back, sides or shoulders.
Is this asking too much or is it just oddly specific about something that might never really come my way? And what is it about hair that turns me on... is it purely aesthetic? Is it the way it looks? I mean you cant exactly run your tongue around a body covered in hair.
I think it is twirling my fingers through black swirls of curling hair that gets me going. The feel of the tickle on the palm of my hand and the scratching sound it makes when I rub it up and down just warms the cockles of my cockle.
Its just something I am into... you know...

So you see, I was invited to the house of this very wealthy man. He had a great body, very shy so he did not really make too much eye contact but one drink after the other and I was back at his place. He had this huge house that I was just not expecting and for the first time I felt like a real estate whore, meaning I did not care who I was having sex with so long as it was up against those windows with that view in the foreground. Not even a kiss and I had whipped off most of my clothes, standing in a pair of jeans - I figured I should be forward and aggressive to keep the upper hand - unfortunately my dominance opened up the door to a whole other game. After a clever little sentence I was suddenly pissing in the face of this, what I thought was a, gentleman. Damn how the dark comes out!
After that I realized I was so totally not into Golden Showers, not my thing at all, and granted I did not judge the man, after all I was standing there doing the pissing for fuck sake... I just thought why the fuck am I doing this? It is not turning me on, in fact I want to laugh... at myself, for putting myself in a position where I can judge myself... Ridiculous! So I excused my drunk ass and went home. My embarrassed stupid drunk ass.
(I just need to say how funny it was to try find a good pic, typing up all the pissing things I could. Imagine my surprise when Kim Kardashian comes up when you type sexy man pissing, hahaha)

Each to their own I guess...
Happy hunting!!! (I have not said that in a while)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A Quick: Piscean Put your Heart away Today
From a personal opinion, I feel that we the fish look forward and backwards so often that we rarely to look around. Living in the future or the past, trying to guide through the current while always having that rear view mirror to remind us of where we came from. Maybe the current could just stop for a minute...? Or maybe I could just have one 48hour day. One day where I have double the amount of time to get done everything I need to and want to do.
So, as frustrating as reading the scope might have been, I watched one of the most beautiful sunrises over the city - it was so pink, like a Jozzie sunset - and decided I am going to try focus purely on what needs to get done today. Now if only I could find a character for the story I am writing, documentary story writing can be so infuriating.
The Tourist

At first I had no idea what to expect from the movie and I don't want to ramble on about the plot in the spirit that maybe you have not seen it yet. So pay attention to the fluidity of the entire film, the water, the movements. Pay attention to the timing, its paced to perfection. And don't ignore all the sparkle... its there for a reason.
In the end it's a rad little love story. Like really rad. Some flawless acting got me totally side tracked exactly the way they wanted me to get totally side tracked and that really was through the acting.

So if you are into odd little love stories give this one a go, its sexy, funny and puts a lovely spin on the whole Love is Blind theory.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Björk - Army Of Me
Fuck you like an animal - Nine inch nails
Kelis - Young, Fresh N' New
Something Never-ending?
Are they missing crucial parts?
I remember the time when I have been out of love before and how it could be with you, next to you and inside of you.
You really hurt me baby. You really hurt me!
How can you have a day without a night?
Like a man with a bucket of water, your love you did pour.
Because you are a book that I have opened and I need to know so much more.
but the source dried up... where are the rains?
A prince?
some gold?
The lies you told
You really hurt me baby. You really hurt me.
From "Unfinished Symphony" by Massive Attack
Ten Virgins did What?
Ostrich... it tastes like beef
- Ostrich meat resembles beef in looks and taste
- When compared to other types of white meat, like chicken and turkey, ostrich meat has low fat content and the calories in ostrich meat is also very low.
- To be more precise, ostrich meat has 66% less fat than beef, 50% less fat than chicken and less calories than chicken, turkey, pork, lamb and beef.
- Ostrich meat is rich in proteins and contains more iron than beef, lamb, turkey, chicken and pork.
- It can also be observed that ostrich meat does not have fat marbling, as seen in beef.
- The popularity of ostrich meat may also be due to its sweeter and richer taste when compared to other types of meat.
- For cooking, it has to be noted that ostrich meat cooks faster, as it has very low fat content.
Here is a little quick pasta dish to get you going:
250g Ostrich Mince
1/2 Onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 chili
5 ripe tomatoes
fresh Basil
5 medium sized brown mushrooms
Crush the garlic and chop up the onion.
Fry the garlic till a little bronze and then add the onion.
Once the onion browns remove.
Fry the ostrich - remember to keep it in chunks as appose to breaking it into fine parts.
Add the chopped chili, simmer for 10 min and remove from stove.
Slice the mushrooms and fry to remove all water.
Place wine and tomatoes in a large pot and bring to the boil.
Once the tomatoes soften reduce to thicken the sauce.
Add onion mix, mince and mushrooms into the tomato sauce.
Add the basil and allow to simmer on a low heat while you prepare the pasta.
And Enjoy
Arrogance - He is Like the Wind
So is it merely having an exaggerated sense of gravity and noteworthiness or are our truths - to others - sometimes just easier to swallow when seen as arrogant. Can that sense of importance really be how we see ourselves and in turn the outward appearance of being comfortable with oneself is seen as arrogant to others. When did dignity and honor turn into self obsession? And does our said arrogance's hinder us from making connections with the fellow humans we share our world with?
Here is a little story about arrogance:
A beautiful man is dancing in the middle of the dance floor with his eyes closed. Totally enveloped in the beat. He moves from side to side feeling the music through his bones. This is his moment to try connect with his soul on a deeper level. This is this gay mans version of praying and meditating and attempting to achieve a spiritual connection.
A beautiful boy on the side cannot stop staring at him. Eventually the boy approaches the man but slowly edging his way closer and closer. When he finally reaches his destination he offers the man a drink.
"Why are you bothering me," the man said "What is it you want?
"I just wanted to get to know you" the boy replied.
"Cant you see I am trying to connect with my soul... go away."
"How can you expect to connect with your soul when you can't even connect with a humble soul such as myself?"
Are we too busy worrying about ourselves to see what is standing in front of us offering us a drink?
I wasn't. I took him up on the offer, said yes to that drink and was left to finish it on my own. How did my arrogance get in the way? Was it because I was too excited I was going out on a date? Did that excitement read as desperate and was it palpable? Or is that comfort of meeting a challenge or offer head on a little disconcerting in terms of appearing available but never really being available? Is it because I am not ever really available?
So in the spirit of admitting our arrogance's, here is a song to any man who is ever brave enough to fall in love with me....
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Does it hurt to look?

Here is a blog filled with giant packages on delivery for you...
Check it out yo'...
...just because it's there.
The Hour Glass Lover
Oh, Durban boys.
They flip my world around and always have. They are so cool and relaxed. A little repressed with the lack of activities in the area but that in turn makes them interesting, new and fairly untouched. My Durban boy flipped my hour glass around, climbed inside the glass and let the sand granules - that is my life - pour all over him and at the same time stealing a few granules for himself. He changed the pace of my life and made me re-asses what I was doing and where exactly I was heading. It is almost like he forced me to sign a new lease on life that encouraged me to live life and not just allowing the day to day flow of it to become the norm.
It was not the inertia alone that made me feel that my life was an endless stream of nothingness but the idea that I had resided to living a life alone in quiet desperation for something else that made me feel unfulfilled and dead. Are we just looking for ways to feel alive? Is a routine the beginning of an end? And can one man really come in to our lives and re-arrange the furniture that the flow is better and the view extraordinary?
It happened to me. After our tornado of a relationship was gone I was left in complete disparagement. Was it that the excitement had ended or is it just a case of another boyfriend down the pipe line? Did I loose a soul mate, or did a mate just take a piece of my soul? And if the latter is true how does one begin to replace that piece that was so carelessly taken?
I went on a sexual deviant rampage. The empty piece in my heart made way for a very personal method of self destruction, it is almost as though I was half the man I was suppose to be and the caring loving side was no more. I went out bar jumping and bed hoping with hopes of replacing it. Was it satisfying? It was more of an expression of self hate and I would impose that hate onto any man willing to take it. Surprisingly enough there are many men out there eager for a little bit of salacious degradation from a sexual partner. And this was by no means my proudest moment in life.
In the end my life was more of a vase with water and he was the flowers. Once the flowers were gone it took time to clean out the vase and replace it with clean water for the next florist to come along and decorate it. so lets always try keep our vases clean and half full.
Tell Someone Today

Grab some balls and tell him you want to take him for a beer.
Collect your courage and let him know you think he is beautiful.
Put your big boy pants on and change your confidence into a higher gear.
What's the worst that could happen?
Mortification lasts only a second in time.
The memory of courage lasts forever.
Today is you in your prime.
Grab hold of your life for the sheer chance that love is around the corner, around the bend yet right in front of you.
Reach out and touch it!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Families, threesomes, love and a lie!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Do You Remember the First Time you Fell in Love??
It just happens.
One night I am sitting in a bar telling a girlfriend that a guy sitting on the couch has the sexiest neck I have ever seen. Now you see, I have a total neck fetish. Love them. Give me an interesting neck and I will chew on it like a puppy with a new play toy... delicious. Once my darling girlfriend goes off to the bathroom - on my command of course - I stare at the sexy neck man to at least see if he acknowledges my presence. Not only does he see me but he comes over to ask me for a lighter. I politely light his cigarette. With a cute smile from him and a little one eyed wink from me we part ways.
After the whole 'turn to see if he is still looking' game we eventually found ourselves side by side at the bar having a few drinks. Drinks at the bar turned into drinks at a lounge next door. I worked it, pulled out all the cute little side banta jokes followed with the ever dreamy pearly white grin of mine, admittedly I was smitten from the word go. I was totally crushing on this guy it was ridiculous. I did not even want to wait, I wanted him to join me back at my place that very night. Unfortunately, or cleverly, he had to take a friend home and could not accompany me back to my place - please who are we kidding here - back to my bed. So I had to settle for giving him my number.
I was so sure I had it in the bag. I was getting that call. I mean he came up to me and then I was as charming as all get out... wasn't I? Was I too much? Did I come off as trying too hard? Because I can tell you that call never came. I waited and waited and that damn call never came through.
Bullshit! I felt so silly. So silly that I went off to the sauna near campus to have a little tickle with some married man I will never see in my life again.
After a few more married men tickles I got bored and just threw myself back into studying.
Imagine my surprise one night wired to the max out on the Melville streets and this blue eyed dream boat approaches me and says "Do you have a light" Please, I know this boy with his delicious neck and if he is pulling that exact same line with me again, albeit 3 months from the initial encounter, he was mine. Right? He wants me too? He is just a little chicken shit to close the deal. But that is fine, I like the effort first, it makes it easier for me to seal it off in the end. Unfortunately I was already on my way home because I was about to 'wake' up to go away on a family vacation. Not letting him slide I did the unthinkable, I invited him along. He said sure, and he even picked me up and drove. That was the first time my parents would meet another gay guy besides myself and it was over an entire weekend and we shared a room. And that is the first time I fell in love.
Almost seven years ago that man came into my life and flipped it around. Well, granted my life was a series of gross drug binges so it was not difficult to actually flip it around but he came along and flipped it all on a new direction. He made me see past my uninteresting and jejune life. He reminded me that there is more to me, and to life and together that boy and I grew up and taught each other what loving someone else was all about.
You never forget your first.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Animal Sex Totem (Number 6)

The ultimate in communication with the higher intuition.
This lover craves progression in love and love-making and seeks progression in all aspects of life.
You will reach higher spiritual grounds if you dance the dance of love with this honey.